Patent laws are created to protect the inventions of the inventor from others. They are a set of special rights which is only given to the inventor on its invention. These laws keep your invention safe from others. This law plays an important role in any type of business. If someone is used your invention without your permission, then the patent agent can greatly help you to get out from these situations. If you are in NJ, then we suggest you hire a Best patent agent in NJ.
There are 3 main types of patents: utility, design and plant patents.
Utility: It protects inventions that involve machines, processes and biological or chemical compositions of matter.
Design: It covers the visual or decorative design of articles of manufacture.
Plant: It grants rights to anyone who has discovered a new plant.
The only person who is legally allowed to apply for a patent is the creator. Patent law was enacted in order to protect inventors' rights and to support the constant innovation of processes, methods and manufactured items.
The only person who is legally allowed to apply for a patent is the creator. Patent law was enacted in order to protect inventors' rights and to support the constant innovation of processes, methods and manufactured items.
Provisional patent: A provisional patent is used to quickly file an application to protect an invention while a patent is being obtained. It is much faster, easier and cheaper than a patent. A provisional patent gives the inventor twelve months to file a full patent application.
Copyright law: It is the law which protects published and unpublished literature, art and scientific work in any real form. It protects anything you can see hear or touch. It gives an exclusive right to the creator for their work whether it is dance, music, photographs, etc.
Trademark law: This law intended to let buyers know what they are buying. A trademark is a symbol or name that identifies a product as belonging to a specific company and that it is legally registered to that company so that it can only be used by that company. If you are trying to market an invention you should try to become as educated as possible about the patent laws. For hiring best patent lawyers in NJ, then click here.