Monday, 29 January 2018

Best and Simple Ways for Trademark Registration

The trademark is the best way to protect the intellectual property from the copycats. If you want to protect then get trademark your logo or brand name. Follow the following steps for trademark registration.

·         Seek a professional and unique design:-The process of registering a trademark is relatively easy with the guidance of a professional firm. The first step in registering is to design the mark. Your mark is unique and must not resemble any other existing trademarks, while also being capable of graphical representation.

·         Determine your jurisdictions for registration:-You must then decide which jurisdictions are appropriate to register the trademark in. If the mark is to be deployed in only one jurisdiction, only the regulations and requirements of that country's specific intellectual property office will apply.

·         Perform a thorough search:-The main concern and issue that most companies face is the duplication of existing trademarks. In order to make sure that your company's mark is unique and distinct, a thorough search must be conducted. This will enable the company to determine whether their mark is already in use or similar to one which already exists.

·         Publish your trademark registration:-Generally, the applicable intellectual property registry will conduct their own search to validate if the trademark is available or not. Once approved, the mark is published in an official publication or 'gazette' for a specified period of time in order to give the trademark the chance to be opposed by third parties.

·         Make an Appeal:-In some cases, even if the trademark is not granted registration, a company is able to make an appeal on the decision of rejection in a bid to seek final approval for registration.
The Chipperson Law Group P.C. is the best law firm in New Jersey. Here you can hire best skilled and professional trademark attorneys. They can help you in your company’s logo trademark registration process. For best legal assistance and services, click here.

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