Tuesday, 30 April 2019


A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to create, use or sell an invention for a certain number of years. It helps to protect one's innovation and creativity. It is not only for scientist and researchers but also for the innovative persons, who are trained by their own experience. A patent is granted when the invention is found to be new, novel, contain an inventive step, and capable of industrial application. By this, the invention must not have been disclosed before the date of the patent application.

Patenting your creation also allows you to prevent others from making, using or selling your invention anywhere without your consent. A patent also increases the worth of the business. There are several ways to financially benefit from a patent.

Benefits of Patent

Increase price and profit
Access to technology
Business skills
Marketing tool
Encourage innovation

A patent is a type of intellectual property. The patent rights are granted in exchange for an enabling public disclosure of the invention. In most countries, patent rights fall under civil law. In some industries, patents are necessary for competitive benefits.

A patent gives you the right to stop others from copying or importing your invention without your permission. You get protection for a fixed period, allowing you to keep challengers at bay. You can use your invention yourself.

If you're considering securing trade patent mark protection, choose one of the popular firms of US. Choosing a law firm or patent can be a challenge for you. But at Chipperson Law Group, P.C., you can easily find the best patents. We have experienced and reliable lawyers. We meet each customer’s needs and goals in the areas such as patents, trademark lawyers in NJ, intellectual property litigation and appeals, product development and commercialization strategies and much more.

To know more visit us on www.chippersonlaw.com.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

What is the work of Trademark Attorney?

If you are interested in getting a trademark for your business or product then you will need a trademark lawyer and you will need to understand what a lawyer can do for you. Trademark lawyer help individuals and businesses steer the numerous laws. Trademark attorney of New Jersey will help you to accomplish your goals. They represent investors, small business owners, artists and authors in New Jersey and nationwide and help clients to protect and optimize your work.

Trademark attorneys are not general or patent attorneys; they are a completely different and special type of attorney. A trademark attorney is skilled and trained to understand the litigations. They are consistently staying up to date with changes to trademark laws so they know just what current trademark laws are in the New Jersey and what they mean.

A trademark attorney is responsible for knowing laws and working within these laws to help a business to get and maintain a trademark. A trademark will legally protect a company's or product's name so that other companies cannot use it as their own to deceive customers. A trademark is not a patent, which protects innovative ideas and invention, but protects the actual name of a company.

A trademark attorney is responsible for helping companies to get their company’s name. The trademark attorney will write the initial draft and also help their clients with things like creating product or company descriptions. These attorneys will make sure that all of the paperwork needed for the application is filled out correctly and submitted to the right place.

Choosing a law firm can be a challenge for you. But at Chipperson Law Group, P.C., you can easily find the best of both small and large firms. We have experienced and specialized lawyers. Our law is reliable, efficient and knowledgeable. We meet each client’s individual needs and goals in the areas such as licensing agreements, domain name disputes, intellectual property litigation and appeals, product development and commercialization strategies and much more.

You can read more about what a trademark lawyer or attorney do on www.chippersonlaw.com.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Types of Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property law is a category of property that includes creations of the human mind. The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the creation of a large variety of intellectual goods. This law governs rights in creative works and invention. Intellectual property has many types. The most common types are the following:


Copyright is an official term which describes the rights given to creators for their original art, literary or extraordinary works. It allows them to use it subsequently. These include for instance:
·         Drawings, Maps or Plans
·         Computer Software
·         Films and Photographs
·         Architectural Workings
·         Sound Recordings
·         TV and radio broadcasts
Copyright is specific. It lasts for a limited period. This period will vary according to the type of work. It ranges from 25 years to 70 years from the date of publication. The creator does not need any registration form in copyright protection, as it exists automatically.


A patent provides its owner with the right to prevent others from using the invention mentioned in the patent. Patents represent a series of rights which is granted by the national government. It excludes others from making, selling or using the invention described in the patent. Not everything is granted by the national government. They only grant new, inventive and useful things.


A trademark is a sign used by a business to identify itself. It can be simply a word, logo, image or a sign. Trademark is registered for protection but even if it is not registered the owner is still protected.
Two common ways to designate a trademark are:
 R: used for registered trademarks
TM: used for unregistered trademarks

It is very important to protect your intellectual property. There are many business law firms like Chipperson Law Group P.C. from whom you can take help. They are capable of protecting your property from the thieves and copycats. To know more about the intellectual property laws and rights, visit www.chippersonlaw.com.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Three Major Types of Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. There are mainly three types of intellectual property -- copyrights, patents, and trademarks. They are similar in some ways, in that they protect an artist or creator's rights to his or her creation, but the scope of that protection varies considerably. In the United States, intellectual property laws are made for the protection of your original work.

Followings Are the Types of Intellectual Property Protection:-


Copyrights protect original works of authorship -- the usual examples you might think of, such as books, movies, and photographs, along with some older examples like architectural works or vessel hull designs. Copyright doesn't protect an idea, whether it's your idea for a book, a business, or a song. It just protects the expression of that idea -- the thing itself.


Patents protect processes, inventions, and certain types of scientific discoveries. This is commonly (and correctly) known as the "inventor's intellectual property."There are three different types of patents: Design, Utility, and Plant. Your legal protection depends on you completing the correct application for your registration.


Two common ways to designate a trademark are the (R) and the TM signs -- but is careful which you use! (R) Is only to be used for registered trademarks, while TM indicates your intellectual property if you are not registered or if your application is pending.

There are many business law firms who help originators of intellectual property in protection of their IPs. If you don’t know how to protect your intellectual property then you can join your hands with them. They will assist you in the best ways and methods for protecting unfair use of intellectual property. The Chipperson Law Firm P.C. is the place that you can visit in the United States. Here you will get experienced and competent business attorneys of New Jersey. To know more about us, you can visit our official website [https://www.chippersonlaw.com/]

Monday, 1 April 2019

How to Find the Best Patent Lawyer in New Jersey?

Finding a patent attorney in New Jersey is not an easy task. You have to work hard for searching a lawyer that is being capable of handling your case. There are so many law firms like Chipperson Law Group P.C. which provides well-trained women lawyers. They all are professional and have lots of experience in this field. Below are the helpful keys that you can use to find a suitable female patent lawyer:-

Go Online

 The internet world is growing at a very fast rate. It is one of the most popular means of hiring patent lawyers. More and more people are connecting to this place. It is a very safe and convenient way to get a lawyer. Only visit those websites which are popular and have experienced resources. The best way to utilize these online resources is to choose those with longevity on the Internet. Pick a web page with a good reputation for drawing in a large number of quality applicants.

Look At Firms

A firm is a group of lawyers who are in the same business and work together to help clients who are in need of legal services. Most firms specialize in one area of the law and hire clients who are in need of those types of services. This is helpful due to the fact that having a group of lawyers will increase the expertise that you are receiving when hiring the firm. Instead of getting just one trademark attorney you will be getting a team of lawyers within this field.

Get a Reference

When a consumer gets good service from a company, they will tell this to all of their friends and colleagues. That is why it is wise to ask for a reference to a good trademark attorney within the community. There will most likely be other business owners who have needed these same services. Therefore they will be able to give you the name of an attorney who will best meet your needs.

So find your best online platform to appoint a suitable business lawyer. To hire the best patent lawyers of New Jersey, please visit the website [https://www.chippersonlaw.com/ ]