Tuesday, 30 April 2019


A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to create, use or sell an invention for a certain number of years. It helps to protect one's innovation and creativity. It is not only for scientist and researchers but also for the innovative persons, who are trained by their own experience. A patent is granted when the invention is found to be new, novel, contain an inventive step, and capable of industrial application. By this, the invention must not have been disclosed before the date of the patent application.

Patenting your creation also allows you to prevent others from making, using or selling your invention anywhere without your consent. A patent also increases the worth of the business. There are several ways to financially benefit from a patent.

Benefits of Patent

Increase price and profit
Access to technology
Business skills
Marketing tool
Encourage innovation

A patent is a type of intellectual property. The patent rights are granted in exchange for an enabling public disclosure of the invention. In most countries, patent rights fall under civil law. In some industries, patents are necessary for competitive benefits.

A patent gives you the right to stop others from copying or importing your invention without your permission. You get protection for a fixed period, allowing you to keep challengers at bay. You can use your invention yourself.

If you're considering securing trade patent mark protection, choose one of the popular firms of US. Choosing a law firm or patent can be a challenge for you. But at Chipperson Law Group, P.C., you can easily find the best patents. We have experienced and reliable lawyers. We meet each customer’s needs and goals in the areas such as patents, trademark lawyers in NJ, intellectual property litigation and appeals, product development and commercialization strategies and much more.

To know more visit us on www.chippersonlaw.com.

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