Monday 15 April 2019

Types of Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property law is a category of property that includes creations of the human mind. The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the creation of a large variety of intellectual goods. This law governs rights in creative works and invention. Intellectual property has many types. The most common types are the following:


Copyright is an official term which describes the rights given to creators for their original art, literary or extraordinary works. It allows them to use it subsequently. These include for instance:
·         Drawings, Maps or Plans
·         Computer Software
·         Films and Photographs
·         Architectural Workings
·         Sound Recordings
·         TV and radio broadcasts
Copyright is specific. It lasts for a limited period. This period will vary according to the type of work. It ranges from 25 years to 70 years from the date of publication. The creator does not need any registration form in copyright protection, as it exists automatically.


A patent provides its owner with the right to prevent others from using the invention mentioned in the patent. Patents represent a series of rights which is granted by the national government. It excludes others from making, selling or using the invention described in the patent. Not everything is granted by the national government. They only grant new, inventive and useful things.


A trademark is a sign used by a business to identify itself. It can be simply a word, logo, image or a sign. Trademark is registered for protection but even if it is not registered the owner is still protected.
Two common ways to designate a trademark are:
 R: used for registered trademarks
TM: used for unregistered trademarks

It is very important to protect your intellectual property. There are many business law firms like Chipperson Law Group P.C. from whom you can take help. They are capable of protecting your property from the thieves and copycats. To know more about the intellectual property laws and rights, visit

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